July 01, 2013

Joy, you are so missed.

We are so happy to welcome Fresh Picked into our small window - with a tribute to Joy Falk.  Thank you Theresa for the fabulous window!!!

 The window inspiration is a whimsical rendition of Joy's porch. Being with Joy  and hanging out in her outdoor spaces with her, no matter where she lived, was always a treat. Joy brought indoor elements outside long  before they were popular (or you could find them on the pages of your favorite decorating magazine or even on our favorite TV decorating shows).

Joy Falk was one of my dearest and closest friends and I remember countless hours spent with her drinking coffee, playing cribbage, talking, talking, talking and sharing our hearts with each other. It was after our children were almost grown When we added a glass of wine to our gab sessions. This made the cribbage game a little more interesting!

As I said, this porch is definitely more whimsical than Joy  ever would have has in any of her outdoor spaces. However, she would have had some sort of a romantic light source,  whether that was a string of lights or a candle propped somewhere, or a little lamp; a piece of indoor furniture used outdoors for storage; cozy places to sit with comfortable cushions, pillows, and blankets; plants, she would have had plants and a few garden tools; and anytime you came to visit she would make time for you so you could sit and share the fun things that were going on in your life, your latest  accomplishments, your burdens or heartaches, and then, no matter what, there would be something to laugh about!

The lesson? Enjoy your outdoor spaces in comfort with your friends and family and go make memories!
 - Theresa Gordon
 - Fresh Picked

See you soon,

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